Children's Issues
- school / bullying
- parent / sibling
- fears / insecurities
- self-esteem
Adult Issues
- addictions
- love
- relationships
- poor communication
- lack of goals
- lack of forgiveness
- lack of motivation
- anger
- stress
- fears
This little quote is so often expressed by many throughout difficult times. I believe this is so because we all know intuitively, innately, that this is TRUE!
Perhaps, you will agree with me?... I ask you to consider, how many times when under stress in a difficult experience, one utters, OH, GOD!.....readily, we know GOD is LOVE and the source of all that is good and ultimately perfect in our lives, our world. This is so, is it not?
Somewhere I read that, GOD the name vibrates at One Hundred and Eighty Six Billion beats per second, which made me wonder if we were to constantly intone the word GOD, so that it became a part of every activity all day long, you know, what we call second nature! Might we then resonant at the vibration of our Higher mind so consistently; and thus raise our consciousness to such a new level where we decidedly transform our individual world and our planet into an age of true peace and enlightenment.
I believe we can do this if we chose! It all begins with each one, we the sum total of the Whole.
Dr David Hawkins, Teacher, Author of "Power verses Force" refers to the Whole as the Field, I kinda like this definition of the All.
Someone also said, "Your Thinking Makes It So"
"Come to the edge",
He said
"We are afraid"
They said,
"Come to the edge",
He said
They came,
He pushed
They flew!
by Guillaume Apollinaire